CAP Services’ Family Crisis Center (FCC) provides assistance to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, and to youth in crisis and their families, through a host of free and confidential programs.
Remember that violence or crisis in life can happen to anyone, so you are not alone. The staff of the FCC welcome the opportunity to serve individuals of all backgrounds and identities.
Child and Youth Services
Youth Services provides assistance to youth and their parents/guardians in times of crisis. The Youth Shelter at the FCC offers a safer place to stay and emergency shelter for unaccompanied youth ages 11-17 who are runaway, homeless, pushed out of the home, or who need a temporary respite. Staff also provide a wide range of trauma informed, strength based supportive services, both in and out of shelter: 24-hour-a-day toll-free crisis line, walk-in counseling, family mediation, and referrals, A Teen Healthy Relationships group, individual meetings that can be held virtually, in school or other public areas, and so much more….
Domestic Violence Outreach
Outreach staff provide advocacy, support, accompaniment to court, assistance with temporary restraining orders as well as domestic abuse education to community partners. Services are available 24 hours a day by telephone (1-800-472-3377), or walk-in services are available 24-hours a day at the shelter in Stevens Point. Walk-in services are available at the outreach offices during traditional business hours in Portage, Waupaca, and Waushara County.
Emergency Shelter
Shelter at the FCC offers a safer place to stay for victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault and their children, as well as offering a 24-hour-a-day toll-free crisis line and walk-in counseling. FCC staff can also connect you with accompaniment for medical care and legal proceedings, support groups, and referrals to other services that you may need. Staff assist victims of violence and their children in identifying alternatives to the problems they are experiencing, and then assisting and supporting folks as they work through their process towards a violence free life. Families are provided with housing, food and basic needs, as well as with assistance in the completion of temporary restraining orders, obtaining child care, finding transportation, etc…
Hmong Family Strengthening
Hmong Family Strengthening (HFS) provides specialized, culturally sensitive domestic violence services to Hmong families. Advocates are bilingual and bicultural, and are able to assist those who identify as Hmong. Advocates are also able to connect clients who identify as Khmer, Karen, Black, Burmese, Chin or LGBTQ+ in collaboration with other organizations.
HFS offers services to youth and adults. HFS incorporates cultural specific needs, culture, and language into the services that are provided.
Sexual Assault Victim Services
Sexual Assault Victim Services (SAVS) provides assistance to victims of sexual violence, including sexual assault and sexual abuse, as well as to their families, friends and other caring individuals in their life. Services include a 24-hour-a-day toll-free crisis line, walk-in counseling, accompaniment for medical care and legal proceedings, referrals, and support groups. Community education presentations can also be provided.
For additional information contact:
Family Crisis Center crisis hotline
24 hours a day, 7 day a week
1616 West River Drive
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Additional FCC services to the community:
Please call the above number to be connected to the most appropriate staff person for your request.
Support Groups
Ongoing support group meetings exist for victims of domestic violence, as well as for victims of sexual assault. Additionally, support groups for children affected by violence, and for youth on a wide spectrum of concerns are available. All support groups are designed to help victims of violence in their process and to facilitate healing.
Educational Programs
The staff of the Family Crisis Center are available to provide educational presentations and programs on a wide range of topics, to the community in general, schools, and faith based and/or community organizations. Topics center around the services that the FCC provides with perspectives on victimization from an advocacy viewpoint.
Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) Project
The CCRT project facilitates interagency and intersystem communication and collaboration with community partners, to develop local policies that are responsive to the needs of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as for youth in crisis in our community. Through CCRT, FCC staff in collaboration with other local community partner agencies, participate in the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) and the Domestic Assault Response Team (DART).
Indicates link to external site.
Should I Get a Restraining Order
Writing a Restraining Order Statement
Guidelines for Filing Your Temporary Restraining Order
At the Restraining Order Hearing
Tips for Your Court Appearance
Restraining Order Grid – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
State of Wisconsin Circuit Court forms:
CV-502 Confidential Address Information in Domestic Abuse, Child Abuse, Individual at Risk, and Harassment Temporary Restraining Order and Injunction Actions
CV-801 Petitioner’s Statement of Respondent’s Possession of Firearms