Participants in a poverty simulation plan their simulated household’s approach to meeting their basic needs.
In partnership with Leadership Portage County and the Portage County Business Council, CAP Services will conduct a poverty simulation from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, November 16, at Redeemer Lutheran Church, located at 900 Brilowski Road in Stevens Point.
“The simulation is a powerful and personal way for people to gain insights into the situations and decisions low-income households face on a day-to-day basis,” said Erin Olson, CAP’s innovation & engagement coordinator.
As many as 80 simulation participants will be assigned roles in family units and receive background information on their assigned family’s income and expenses. During the simulation, participants will interact with community resources stationed around the room to find or maintain employment, buy groceries, seek social services, and pay bills. CAP’s professional staff will lead the experience and facilitate a debriefing period in which participants can share their insights about what they have learned.
The simulation is free and open to the public, though advanced registration is required. Registration is open through November 13 or until full. To register visit portagecountybiz.com/povsim.
For more information about poverty simulations, including information about how to sponsor one, visit capservices.org/povsim or contact Olson at 715-343-7165 or eolson@capmail.org.