CAP Services assists clients with a wide array of resources available in order to secure and maintain stable housing.

Our staff will assist with conducting a needs assessment, completing appropriate applications, and making referrals to CAP Services’ and other community programs. Available in Marquette, Portage, Outagamie, Waupaca, Waushara, and Wood Counties.

Services Provided:

  • Assistance completing rental applications.
  • Assistance applying for public benefits.
  • Refers clients to resources for rent or mortgage assistance.
  • Assists clients to increase income or lower expenses.
  • HUD certified housing counseling.
  • Landlord/tenant mediation.
  • Homeowner responsibility education.
  • Renter responsibility education.
  • Home maintenance education.
  • Down payment assistance.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Available to home owners and renters.
  • No income restrictions for Housing Counseling. Some restrictions may apply for related services.
  • Must live in one of CAP’s service areas: Marquette, Portage, Outagamie, Waupaca, Waushara, and Wood counties.

If you would like to get on the path to future home ownership, sign up for one of our upcoming workshops.

For more information please contact our Housing Counseling team:

Jason Lake: 715-598-2707

Essential Emergency Services:

  1. United Way 2-1-1
  2. Salvation Army
  3. One Big Tent of Portage County
  4. Forward Service Corporation (must have minor children in your home)


CAP’s Home Buyers Down Payment Assistance program is an income eligible program that provides down payment assistance and rehab assistance.

Buyers must contribute $1,000 of their own money to the home buying process and complete home buyer education. The down payment assistance can also be used for closing costs.

Assistance is provided as a 0% interest deferred loan, due when the home is sold, is no longer the primary residence, or title is transferred. The assistance is dependent on availability of funds.

You must be able to obtain a conventional mortgage which requires good credit and consistent income. CAP can then provide down payment and closing cost assistance.

The house must also meet Federal health and safety standards. To determine this, CAP staff complete a physical assessment of the home to determine what issues need to be addressed. Then CAP provides an additional interest deferred loan to cover repairs which must to be completed within 6 months after closing on the home.


  • Your annual household income cannot exceed the maximum levels
  • You must have $1,000 of your own money to contribute to the process
  • You must be able to obtain a conventional mortgage which requires good credit-CAP housing counselors can help you improve your credit score
  • Property must be your primary residence. No mobile homes, farms, duplexes or businesses are eligible
  • You must complete 6 hours of home buyer education through CAP or an approved source
  • Property must meet federal health and safety standards

Please allow up to 60 days to complete the process.